Date:27th-28th Oct 2023

Region: Asia and Australasia

News Title: The 10th Asia Radiotherapy Symposium (ARTS)

Reporter Names: Lee Eun Byeol & Shin Na Young

Organizing Committees of the 10th ARTS


The 10th Anniversary of the Asia Radiotherapy Symposium (ARTS)

The Korean Radiological Technologists Association (KRTA) and the Korean Society for Radiation Therapy (KOSRT) jointly hosted the 58th Congress of Korean Radiological Technologists (CKRT 2023) in conjunction with the 10th Asia Radiotherapy Symposium (ARTS) from October 27th to 28th at The-K Hotel, Seoul, South Korea. The theme, “New Challenges in Radiation Therapy and Imaging Technology: Direction and Goals for the Future,” set the tone for the event. The ARTS, an annual conference dedicated to advancing Radiation Therapy in Asia, was first organized in 2013. Currently, it boasts membership from seven countries: Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, and South Korea, with growing interest from additional Asian nations.

This year, following a three-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, representatives from each member state reconvened for a highly engaging and productive symposium. On October 27th, a round table discussion featuring panelists from each country was a highlight. The dialogue centered around the current landscape of radiation therapy in their respective states, discussing ARTS’s crucial role, potential strategies for its expansion, and the growing significance of radiation therapists in the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Pic.1 Moderator and the panelists are having a Round table discussion

Pic.2 group picture of ARTS workshop

Following the round table, a council meeting with representatives from the ARTS member states took place. At this meeting, representatives gathered to discuss issues about ways to expand the role of ARTS in the future and establish a closer communication system among member countries. With the consensus of member states, the 11th ARTS Conference will be held in Taiwan in 2024, and the 12th ARTS Conference in Thailand in 2025.

Pic.3 ARTS council meeting

The welcome dinner for Korean and international members was one of the highlights on the first day of the conference.  Various events such as the performance of the cheerleading squad of the radiology department of the university and a musical performance by a band composed of radiation technologists were held, providing a meaningful and enjoyable time for many members.

Pic.3 ARTS council meeting

Conference Highlights

The second day of the conference, October 28th, united experts in medical imaging and radiotherapy. Discussions delved into key areas such as patient safety, the application of AI in medical imaging, sustaining professional growth post-pandemic, and establishing networks for future professional empowerment and research exploration. The event saw wide participation, with speakers and attendees from Korea, Thailand, Macao, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, the UK, Vietnam, and Mongolia.

The 10th ARTS commenced with a special session chaired by Mr. Young Bum Kim and Mr. Dragon Liu, featuring five distinguished presenters: a medical doctor, a radiation oncology manager, a radiotherapist, and medical physicists. Dr. Heecheol Park, Director of the Proton Therapy Center at Samsung Cancer Hospital and president of the Korean Society for Radiation Oncology, opened the session with insights into “The Current Status and Future of Particle Therapy in Korea.” The session further enriched with presentations covering diverse topics such as recent advancements in AI for Radiation Oncology, regulatory trends in Radiation Therapy devices in Korea. Ms. Tan Chek Wee, ISRRT vice president Asia/Australasia, gave a valuable lecture on the development of radiotherapy in Asia, which was a great inspiration to many members who attended the conference.

Pic.5 Mr. Young Bum Kim and Mr. Liu chairing the special presentation session

Pic.6 Ms. Tan Chek Wee, the ISRRT vice president Asia/Australasia

Pic.7  the special presentation session

The academic session that followed featured 10 insightful papers. Dr. Vincent Leung from Hong Kong, presenting on auto-contouring for head and neck radiation therapy, and Mr. Yoon Won Choi from Korea, discussing the VMAT technique for metastatic cancer treatment, were honored with the “Best Speaker Award.”

Pic. 8 Best speaker award for Dr. Vincent Leung (Hong Kong) and Mr. Yoon Won Choi (Korea) with Mr. Geum mun Back, President of the Korean Society For Radiation Therapy (KOSRT)

Pic.9 Group photo of the 10th ARTS conference

The conference concluded with a traditional Korean gala dinner, celebrating Korea’s rich culinary heritage and traditional rice wine, Makgeolli. The event fostered a sense of camaraderie and unity among participants from various nationalities.

Hospital Tour and Closing Remarks

On October 29th, the final day, KRTA and KOSRT organized a city tour and a hospital tour at the Samsung Medical Center. For the hospital tour, attended by 20 participants from various countries, included visits to the Proton Therapy Center and the Cancer Hospital. It provided an in-depth look at the advanced facilities and treatments, including the Radiotherapy treatment planning room, CT-simulation room, MRI-simulation room, Cyclotron room, and Proton therapy room, among others.

Pic.10 hospital tour

The preparation for this event, which began early this year, was both exhilarating and challenging. Despite initial difficulties, such as setting up the website and organizing the program, the collaborative efforts of all ARTS members ensured a successful symposium. The conference facilitated valuable interactions and academic exchange among participants, paving the way for further development in radiation therapy across Asia. The conference confirmed ARTS’ positioning as a united Asia and Asia in the world, and gave us confidence that ARTS will play an even more important role in the development of the radiotherapy field in the future.

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