The Board of Management of the International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT) take great pleasure in presenting the ISRRT strategic plan for 2016-2019. This plan is intended to focus our activities in keeping with the
ISRRT Vision:
To be the leading international organization representing the practice of medical imaging and radiation therapy technology by promoting the highest achievable standards of patient care and professional practice of the ISRRT and the ISRRT Mission:
To improve the standards of delivery and practice ofmedical imaging and radiation therapy throughout the world by acting as the international liaison organization for medical radiationtechnology and by promoting Quality Patient Care, Education and Research in the radiation medicine sciences

This strategic plan is as a result of a culmination of intense meetings of the Board and CEO with a strategist, Susan Ward. Susan assisted the Board with the final analysis of three (3) separate surveys, namely;
Swot analysis survey completed by the members of the Board
Survey of member societies undertaken by a post graduate student supervised by Cynthia Cowling and
Survey of external stakeholders undertaken by Francois Couillard and Lyn Mc Donell.

The strategic goals identified are:
–       Collaborate to develop and promote international standards
–       Empower societies
–       Advocate for the profession with the underlying foundation principles of communication and governance.

We have linked strategic priorities to each of these goals with initiatives, measures, timelines and champions to help achieve these goals.

We look forward to and are committed to deliver the strategic goals as set. Please find attached the summarised strategic framework of the ISRRT.