International Academic Network (IAN) membership shall be open to academic institutions and will be given its mandate by the ISRRT Board to focus on matters related to initial and post-graduate education, surveys and research activities. The IAN network may partner with any
ISRRT Associate member or ISRRT member society to achieve these activities. This is a non-voting membership category.

The aims and objectives of IAN are to facilitate entry-level as well as high-level research and publication to increase and improve both research quality and activity among radiographers/radiological technologists, radiography/radiological technology students and educators.  In addition, the IAN aims to promote educational collaboration between universities such as preparation of shared online courses, standardisation of radiography education, where appropriate, and support an overall increase in the quality of radiography education.  The IAN will help to connect educators and researchers in radiography for the purpose of collaboration.

With membership, the radiography program at your university will have access to range of benefits which will help you to increase  research activities among educators and students along with resultant publications,

Annual subscription fees per year for radiography educational institutions, radiography schools, and university departments to become a member of IAN  may apply .