ISRRT QA Guidance for DR and CR
The above ISRRT guidance has been developed for all Radiographers / Radiologic Technologists and is set in the context of a team approach with other health care professions such as Radiologists and Medical Physics Experts for advice on dosimetry and quality assurance matters relating to radiation protection concerning exposures. It is also important to define and distinguish between ‘quality control’ and ‘quality assurance’. There are many such definitions and as an example: –
“Quality control (QC)” means the set of operations (programming, coordinating, implementing) intended to maintain or to improve quality and includes monitoring, evaluation and maintenance at required levels of all characteristics of performance of equipment that can be defined, measured, and controlled;
“Quality assurance (QA)” means all those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate assurance that a structure, system, component or procedure will perform satisfactorily in compliance with generally applicable standards and quality control is a part of quality assurance.