The COVID-19 virus continues to evolve and we know that ISRRT members worldwide are trying to prepare and respond to this pandemic. The ISRRT believes that the most accurate and up to date information is being provided by the WHO.  Please follow the ‘BEST PRACTICE’ guidelines produced by your professional organizations and authorities within your own countries. Please be reassured that the ISRRT is working closely with these organizations on a continuing basis to pass on any relevant ongoing developments.

As part of the ISRRT’s mission as a WHO official Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) is to ensure that its member have access to the relevant and current information from the WHO regarding the COVID-19 virus relating to our profession.

Please be reassured that the ISRRT is taking every opportunity to represent the radiographers’ voice at all the relevant WHO committees engaged in fighting this virus.

The ISRRT has been asked by the WHO to collaborate with them in producing a Technical document specifically for the Medical Imaging Department. This will address control of infection safety practices whilst also being mindful of safe radiation protection practices during this Pandemic. The ISRRT has diligently been working on a draft document of best practice in each of the medical specialty areas. Thanks to all who have already contributed to the draft document. We hope to have this available in the near future.

The ISRRT has created a Tab on the ISRRT website to provide a collection of accessible resources from our members societies and the WHO.  Please use the links and references to gain information regarding the COVID-19 virus.

The first feature in the Tab is the updated PowerPoint provided by the WHO along with important resource links. Also found here is a resource provided by our member societies COVID- 19 pages. We will continue to update this page as we receive new information.

The ISRRT Board of Management appreciates all radiographers/radiological technologists worldwide who are serving as frontline professionals.  ISRRT understands and appreciates that your knowledge, care, expertise and efforts make a difference for all of our patient’s health care.  STAY SAFE and know that we are thinking of you.

Donna Newman, ISRRT President and ISRRT Board of Management

WHO NGOs meeting facing COVID- 19

3th April 2020

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World Health Organization

Update 24/03/2020 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

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World Health Organization

Update 20/03/2020 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

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World Health Organization

Update 17/03/2020 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

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World Health Organization

Update 13/03/2020 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

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World Health Organization

Update 10/03/2020 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

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World Health Organization

Update 06/03/2020 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

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World Health Organization

Update 03/03/2020 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

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World Health Organization

Update 28/02/2020 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

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