Dear Council Members, 

The ISRRT Board of Directors has diligently been working to represent the radiographers global voice at numerous international meetings and workshops around the globe over the last 3months.  You can find updates on these meetings as well as outcomes from them on our ISRRT website under the blog button or in the official News and Views.  As an International global voice, it is essential that we gather and give evidence-based data to our international partner organizations when working on global practice standards, safety culture, radiation protection, and safety projects with the IAEA and the WHO. For this reason, I have asked Tim Agadakos, Regional Director of Europe to spearhead a global survey to collect data that we will need to develop important professional documents and papers on behalf of the ISRRT. Council Members only can have access to the and fill in the Survey.

The ISRRT board believes that the council member is the voice for your country. Every member country of the ISRRT will be receiving this survey which you, as a council member, will need to fill out as soon as possible and return to the ISRRT. The survey has several sections representing   5 pillars of radiography and Radiation Therapy practice and educational issues on a global basis to identify current challenges and variation among our radiographers’ practice and educational requirements

The first section is to going to be used to gather general information about practice in each country. The second section is to gather level of technology that exists in your country. Section three is set up to gather information requirements of the education in your country as well as requirements for continuous development education. Section four is written to gather information about radiographers/Radiological Technologist professional profile in your country. Section five will gather information regarding safety in medical
imaging and therapy departments and be used to develop a joint paper
with the WHO.

Please take the time to complete this survey. The ISRRT values your input.

Donna Newman B.A. RT (R) CNMT FASRT
ISRRT President 

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