Report by Boniface YAO, regional Director Africa
As of December from the 11th to 14th, took place in Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire, an ISRRT sponsored workshop. The session namely ISRRT-CHESNEY capacity building workshop, was hosted by the National Association of radiographers(ANTIMCI).
Following the ISRRT’s response to Bonn call for action, it has been decided to deal with justification of practice and optimization of radiation protection and patients and workers.

The venue was the Amphithéâtre Dr Bruce STRUMINGER at the National Institute or health Agents (INFAS). The event gathered 50 participants from 5 french speaking african countries out of 8 expected.
The conference approved by the ivorian Ministry of health was patroned by the General Director of Health Pr DAGNAN Simplice representing the Minister and cochaired by the General Director of the National authority of radiation protection Pr GOFFRY Marie Chantal and the General Director of health training institute, Pr N’DAHTZ Meliane E. epse SANOGO
The training was composed of four sessions.
The inaugural lecture on basic radiation physics was provided by a local expert of IAEA, Pr Monnehan Georges Alain, Director of nuclear physics and radiation protection Laboratory, university Felix Houphouet Boigny Abidjan .
The second part, managed by Pr N’ZI Kouassi Paul, radiologist and IAEA project coordinator for patients safety, dealt with radiation protection of patients.

The third part focused on radiation protection of workers was  taught by Mr Robert AZIAGBA a radiationprotection Officer from Togo. This session

was completed by skillslab performed by the trainer and participants and consisted of dose measurement and quality control procedure
The workshop was practical oriented and aims at teaching the participants a methodology to organise and assure radiation protection for patients and staff at a radiology department through elaboration of sustainable projects.
Therefore, the fourth session focused on Projet management. To help all delegates conceive radiation protection projects for their local settings.
This workshop has been an opportunity for radiographers to develop skills and update their knowledge in radiation protection. A follow up survey will be carry out to evaluate the impact.
This project is part of the ISRRT action plan to echo Bon call for action in Africa. Therefore, the present workshop will be replicated in English speaking Africa in 2018

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