2019 ISRRT Educational Workshop Budget Opens
Dear Council members and Member Societies, May , 2018
I hope you have all have had time to recuperate from the ISRRT World Congress. ISRRT board heard your request for additional communication between issues of the News and Views. We understand the importance of disseminating relevant and current news in a timely manner to its ISRRT membership. As always, we appreciate the ideas and suggestion that come from the from the ISRRT Open Forum and ISRRT Council meeting and are making stride to meet these requests.
As your president, I would like to announce a new tab on the member’s only section of the ISRRT Website called ISRRT Budget Process. I have worked closely with the Alain Cromp your Director of Public Relations and Dimitris Katsifarakis our CEO to make available to, member societies, council members / member societies this new section on the ISRRT website. Stewart Whitley (outgoing ISRRT Treasurer) and Philippe Gerson (ISRRT Incoming Treasurer) developed the content for the tab.
This new tab contains all the relevant documents used by a member to submit a proposal for an Educational workshop for ISRRT board of Directors to consider for the new budget. The Timeline Algorithm used for this budget process is also found under this tab. The proposals received by its members societies, council members and ISRRT board members are what the ISRRT board uses to facilitate developing the 2019 budget for Educational workshops and special projects.
Please take time to register on the ISRRT website so you as active members and have access to all the important documents. This section is only accessible to ISRRT Council members and ISRRT Member societies.
As a member log onto the ISRRT Website (www.isrrt.org) then go to the Members only section and get registered. After this you can go to the Governance tab, Guidelines tab, ISRRT Budget Process.
The ISRRT Board of Directors began their Budget process as of April 12 for the ISRRT 2019 year and are looking to determine the final proposal for Education workshops in each region. The ISRRT wants to hear from its society members and council members for ideas within your region. You will have until approximately June 15 to get your ideas and needs for regional education workshops to your Vice Presidents and Regional Directors for consideration by the ISRRT board for the 2019 budget. Please take the time to get involved and know that the ISRRT values your input.
Truly Yours,
Donna Newman,
ISRRT President, May 2018