Award Winner SAMSUNG and ISRRT Best Radiography Practice Competition 2018
Mr. Sigurd Sundland, from Vrinnevi Hospital Norrkøping, Sweeden is the Winner of the SAMSUNG and ISRRT Best Radiography Practice Competition 2018.
Samsung and ISRRT are congratulating Sigurd for his work “Dose reduction techniques using the Samsung GC85a”.
Sigurd will present it during the ECR 2019 at the Samsung’s Booth in a date/time which will be announced following weeks.
Samsung and ISRRT also thank all the participants to the 2018 Competition. All the submitted works were at a high professional level!
We encourage all to take part again to the next Samsung-ISRRT Competition 2019, which will be open again after the ECR2019.
Stay tuned to receive the announcement.