Dr. Safora Johansen
Dr. Safora Johanse
A short biography for Safora Johansen
Currently full-time associate professor at Oslo Metropolitan university and a senior researcher at the Oslo University hospital (20% position).
Completed doctorate in radiation oncology and late side effects in breast cancer patients in 2010 at the University of Oslo. Continued as a postdoc at the Institute for cancer research, Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital.
Continued to identify late side effects development in cancer patients receiving radiotherapy. Part of the work has been funded by the Norwegian Cancer Society. Her findings have been implemented in the clinic using new and advanced radiotherapy techniques.
Additional research interests include improvements in palliative radiotherapy in cancer patients, metal artefact reduction, dose reference levels in CT examination of different body parts, and optimization of exposure values and contrast medium strategies on image quality and patient dose in chest CT.
She has a broad international research and educational collaboration and leads research and educational related projects in close collaboration with both European and American/Canadian universities / university hospitals. She has a main role in student supervision as well as teaching in bachelor, master, and PhD levels.
She acts as a member of the editorial board at Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences and contributes as a reviewer for different international journals. She is also the chair of the International Academic Network (IAN) of ISRRT.
Prof Peter Hogg
Prof Peter Hogg
Peter is qualified in diagnostic radiography, nuclear medicine and radiation protection. He also holds qualifications in computer science and teaching. In early 2002 he became [full] Professor (of Radiography) at the University of Salford, UK and he retired in 2020 at which point his university Senate Committee bestowed him with the lifetime title ‘Professor Emeritus’. His university experiences include master’s degree programme leader (19 years), academic head of department (radiography, 5 years), research centre director (health sciences, 5 years), research lead (diagnostic imaging, 10 years) and research dean of a large multi-professional school of over 7000 students and 500 staff (6 years). Professional experience includes being a member of many national / international committees, journal editor, journal board member and journal reviewer. He has published / presented over 650 articles, book chapters and conference paper as sole or co-author. He has won several national awards relating to medical imaging and been nominated for ‘mainstream’ (non-imaging) awards for several of his professional achievements. Currently, aside being Professor Emeritus, he is Visiting Professor (Netherlands), Visiting Researcher (Sweden) and Adjunct Professor (Ireland).
ResearchGate: Peter Hogg (
Google Scholar: Peter Hogg (
Committee members
Dr. Robert Walker
Dr. Robert Walker
Dr. Robert Walker holds a doctorate of philosophy and is the Dumke endowed chair at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah, USA. Dr. Walker is a professor and Chair of the School of Radiologic Sciences. His career at Weber State Spans more than 40 years Dr. Walker is a past President, Fellow, and Life Member of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists. He also has served on the Board of Trustees for the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. Bob has shared his knowledge and expertise on numerous professional organizations around the world and has successfully developed and led more than 450 students on Healthcare and Cultural Study Abroad Academic programs to China and South East Asia over the past 20 years. Dr. Walker’s research has focus on resilience, job satisfaction and burnout in Medical Imaging.
Dr. Marcus Oliveira
Dr. Marcus Oliveira
Marcus de Oliveira is a professor in the Department of Health Technology and Biology at Federal Institute of Bahia, Bahia, Brazil. He holds a Master of Science and PhD in health sciences. He currently holds the position of Head of radiologic technologist research group. His current research interests includes the use of technology for teaching, software development, Computed tomography, 3D printing and image processing. He has developed Apps for teaching purposes and published papers on the technologies development.
Dr. Hussein ALMasri
Dr. Hussein ALMasri
Associate professor Hussein ALMasri is the assistant dean of the Faculty of
Health Professions, and head of Department of Medical Imaging at Al-Quds
University, Palestine. He received his doctoral degree in Radiology,
Medicine, from the University of the Ryukyus, Japan. He holds professional
qualifications as a licensed Radiological Technologists from the Palestinian
Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (PAMRT), and also a
member of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP). Hussein’s research
and publications are interdisciplinary and include topics in radiation
dosimetry, radiography, radiation therapy, radiation safety, health sciences
and psychology.
Mrs.Samar El-Farra
Samar El-Farra Bio 2022 She/ Her – Pronounced Summer
– Manager of academic assessment office at the Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) of 16 campuses and 25,000 students, United Arab Emirates (UAE).
– Current adjunct faculty and former full-time faculty and program chair of the medical imaging program at the HCT health sciences
– Medical Imaging curricular development and accreditation lead.
– Developer and implementor of the first UAE flagship Alternative digital Credentials in Medical Imaging
– Former Radiology Specialist (Kuwait, Sabah Hospital)
– Former MRT (Canada, The Ottawa Hospital)
– B.Sc. Medical radiation sciences (Kuwait University)
– Terminal Master’s degree in medical imaging CT (CSU)-Canada,
– Artificial Intelligence in radiography certificate from City University (UK) – Masters level 7
– Senior fellow of advance higher education (SFHEA)-UK.
– Vice-President at the Radiographers Society of Emirates (RASE).
– Editorial Member Medicon Microbiology Journal (MCMI)
– Founding board of directors’ member at the Radiographers Society of Emirates (RASE).
– Mentor at the World Health Organisation (WHO)- Impact Accelerator.
– Editorial member Qalamuna – Journal of Education, Social, and Religion.…
– Registered member of the College of medical radiation and imaging technologists of Ontario- Canada (CMRITO). member 14200
– Representative council member to the International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT)
– Scientific chairperson of the Annual Radiology Meeting (ARM) Radiography sessions, workshops, and jury member for student competitions.
– Founder and Lead Jury panel member of the RadShow – UAE
– Founder and president of the ADATA call for action to empower women leadership in healthcare.
Scholarship contributions
– In the past ten years, Samar conducted and presented more than 150 scholar activities in international conferences and papers on:
– Diagnostic efficacy of Computed Tomography in renal transplantation,
– Trauma imaging,
– Mammography and breast imaging,
– Radiation protection and patient safety and advocacy, (Licensure track)
– Artificial intelligence for radiographers,
– Higher education assessment, academic integrity, and Micro-credentials.
– Current research interests include assessment and academic integrity, higher education strategies, diagnostic efficacy, artificial intelligence for radiographers, and non-technical skills for healthcare students.
Personal social pledges
– Active advocate for woman and minority empowerment and leadership.
– One-on-one emotional , physical and moral support of pediatric cancer patients and family
Samar El-Farra – Senior Fellow AHE – (UK),
Vice President and Scientific Committee Chairperson – Radiographers society of Emirates (RASE)
Representative council member to the International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT)
Member of College of medical radiation and imaging technologists (CMRITO) Ontario- Canada
Dr. Friedrich-Nel Hesta
Dr. Friedrich-Nel Hesta
Associate professor Hesta Friedrich-Nel is the acting dean in the Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences, Central University of Technology, Free State (CUT). A Fulbright scholar and TAU Fellow, Hesta’s research and publications are interdisciplinary and include topics in radiography, radiation therapy, health sciences education and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
She is the ISRRT council member for South Africa and also the regional co-ordinator Education Africa for the ISRRT.
Prof. Naoki Kodama
Prof. Naoki Kodama
Dr. Naoki Kodama is a professor and head of Department of Radiological Technology, Faculty of Medical Technology, Niigata University of Health and Welfare, Japan. Before that, he worked in Department of Medical Informatics, Faculty of Health and Welfare, Takasaki University of Health and Welfare, Japan, from 2004 to 2017. He received his bachelor’s degree in Medical Science from Suzuka University of Medical Science in 1999. He holds a master’s degree in Engineering from Nagaoka University of Technology in 2001. He received his doctoral degree in Engineering from Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology in 2004.
He holds professional qualifications as a licensed Radiological Technologists and Radiation Protection Supervisor. Kodama has been the director of the Japan Association of Radiological Technologists (JART) since 2006, and vice-president of the Japan Society of Education for Radiological Technologists since 2008. In 2018, he was elected as the ISRRT regional coordinator for Professional Practice (Asia/Australasia). In 2020, he was elected vice president of JART.
Prof. Jenny Sim
Prof. Jenny Sim
I am the Head of Department of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. I provide academic leadership, set strategic directions and actively engage industry stakeholders to achieve quality education outcomes. I enjoy pushing professional boundaries, in particular, designing innovative curricula that enhance student learning with the aim of assisting student transition from university to workplace.
I have been a university academic for the past 25+ years and have extensive university teaching experience in the area of Medical Imaging. I assume academic leadership at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level and facilitate learning across a range of delivery methods including lectures, tutorials, lectorials, laboratories, workshops, online delivery as well as higher degree research supervision. I also conduct workshops for clinicians and university academics and serve as academic advisor and consultant. My teaching philosophy is underpinned by theories of authentic learning, social constructivism, reflective practice and Mezirow’s theory of transformative theory. As educator, my focus is on creating learning opportunities that require critical thinking and reflective learning to facilitate development of cognitive competencies and perspective transformation.
My research has a strong applied focus, with my research contributing to the scholarship of learning and teaching in Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences. My research platform is transformative learning in Medical Imaging. Broadly speaking, it is about facilitating learning that enables the development of cognitive competencies and perspective transformation which will empower learners to unleash their full potential. It is also about building leadership capacity within the field of Medical Imaging. Hence, my research adopts a more holistic approach by designing learning strategies that assist students in developing critical thinking, clinical reasoning, decisive judgment and reflective practice. My other areas of research interest also include online education, simulation learning, reflective practice, continuing professional development and student-centred learning. My competitive research grants are from a variety of funding bodies including universities, professional associations and Health Workforce of Australia and Health Workforce New Zealand.
Mr. Mahesh.P.S
Mr. Mahesh.P.S
Mahesh Parameswaran is holding the position of Senior Imaging Technologist in MRI and Radiation Safety Officer at Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology,Kerala with the status of University under Department of Science and Technology,Government of India.
He received the Diploma in Radiological Technology in 1999 and completed his graduation in Bachelor of Imaging Technology.He commenced working as Clinical Radiographer in both private and public sectors.He has been in the role of MRI lead since 2009.He had clinical experience in Neuro Imaging,Cardiac Imaging,Body Imaging and Vascular Imaging.Currently involved in research projects in the field of Synthetic MRI,Intravoxel Incoherent Imaging,Enhanced Arterial Spin Labelling,Myocardial T1 Mapping and Resting State Functional MRI.
Mahesh Parameswaran has been the member of Indian Society of Radiographers and Technologists(ISRT) since 2007 and presently the governing body member and National council Member of ISRT.He has been serving as executive member of Indian College of Radiological Technology (ICRT)since 2020.He is the subeditor of ALARA,the radiographer’s magazine.On the national level,he is experienced in academic meeting coordination and delivered lectures on different topics related to clinical imaging.
Dr. Mark Okeji
Dr. Mark Okeji
Professor Mark Chukwudi Okeji is a Professor of Radiography and Imaging, Radiation Protection & Dosimetry at the Department of Radiography and Radiological Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria.
He is currently the Registrar/Chief Executive of the Radiographers Registration Board of Nigeria (RRBN).
Prof. Okeji is the President of Africa Radiography Forum and a Fellow of the Association of Radiographers of Nigeria. He was a past President, Vice President and Secretary of the Association of Radiographers of Nigeria. He was the immediate past ISRRT Council representative for Nigeria.
Professor Okeji is a visiting Professor and External Examiner in many Universities in Nigeria and Africa.
He has published widely in reputable international and national scholarly journals and presented several papers in National and International conferences.
Mrs. Catherine Gunn
Mrs. Catherine Gunn
Catherine is the Director of the School of Health Sciences at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. She holds a BSc in Anatomy from McGill University, MRT from the Michener Institute and an MBA from Saint Mary’s University. Catherine holds active practice licensure with the Nova Scotia College of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Professionals (NSCMIRTP), the American Registry of Radiological Technologists (ARRT), and is a member of the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT). Over the past five years, she has been actively involved in education initiatives with both the CAMRT and the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). Catherine has 19 years of experience as an educator in the School of Health Sciences teaching in the Radiological Technology discipline as well as combined Health Science Education courses. She is also cross appointed to the Department of Radiation Oncology in Dalhousie’s Faculty of Medicine. Catherine has a long-established interest in international partnerships and the benefit to the student experience.